Sunday, 25 November 2012

How to Get a Beautiful Smile?

A food or drink doesn't have to be dark to stain teeth. Any acidic or tannin-rich food or beverage -- like wine, sodas, sports drinks, and tomato, curry, or soy sauces -- can take the sparkle from your smile.

Here's a brightening tip. Between every couple sips or bites, swish your mouth with water. Then rinse again when you're finished drinking or eating.

The calcium in yogurt helps keep teeth strong, and club soda can wash away food particles after you eat. But some say it's strawberries that may whiten teeth naturally. Though there's really only anecdotal proof for that, strawberries have a dash of the calcium and a bit of the phosphorus teeth need to stay healthy and strong.

Chewing sugarless gum can help keep your teeth healthy. That's because gum gets saliva flowing, which helps wash away acids that form when bacteria in your mouth break down food. Saliva also has calcium and phosphate, which protect tooth enamel. But nothing replaces flossing and brushing. And using a mouth rinse can help kill plaque-causing bacteria.

Your lip colour may give you a tooth-brightening bonus. Lipstick with pink or blue as its base colour can help teeth look brighter and whiter, while other tones may make teeth look darker and less attractive.

All whitening toothpastes are abrasive, so no matter which one you use it'll help remove stains from your teeth by polishing them. However, some whitening toothpastes also contain mild bleaching agents. They can help give an extra boost to their tooth-brightening power.

Nothing beats brushing twice a day and flossing and rinsing daily to keep your teeth and gums healthy. But you can help your pearly whites stay clean by ending meals with crunchy fruits and veggies. Not only will they give your teeth a little scrub, the healthy foods will keep the rest of your body in top form, too.

When used correctly, manual and electric toothbrushes can both keep your mouth clean and healthy. Some people find a powered brush is easier to use. Others like all the sizes and shapes of manual brushes. Most people brush for just more than a minute -- or less. But to keep teeth and gums in good condition you should brush twice a day for two to three minutes each time and floss and rinse daily.

When used correctly at home, whitening gels, rinses, strips, and trays can give great results that last up to a year. But a lot of things affect how long teeth stay bright -- like what you eat and drink and if you smoke. To keep your smile brighter longer, don't smoke, and avoid deeply coloured or acidic foods and drinks like berries, teas, coffee, wine, sports drinks, and carbonated beverages. And of course you can touch up your teeth with at-home whitening kits to keep them brighter.

Dental veneers can go far toward making a smile better and brighter. Made of very thin ceramic applied to the tooth surface, veneers can fill gaps, correct the appearance of misalignment and overcrowding, and make teeth look brighter. Yet even teeth with veneers can experience decay, so brush, floss, and rinse daily and get a professional cleaning regularly

High acid foods -- like yogurt and some fruit -- can hurt your teeth. Yogurt and fruit are great for your body and your smile, but eating too many acidic foods may hurt your tooth enamel. You can help neutralize the acids in your mouth by chewing sugarless gum, sipping water, and brushing teeth regularly.

An old toothbrush with frayed bristles just can't clean well. That can mean more plaque and tooth decay in the long run. Once your toothbrush starts looking a bit frazzled -- usually at about two to four months -- replace it. Remember to brush teeth (and tongue) gently, slowly, with a circling motion that stimulates the gums, too.
Braces can make anyone's smile better. But the problems they fix -- crooked or crowded teeth, overbites and under bites -- can lead to serious issues like jaw stress, tooth decay, and periodontal disease. Orthodontic treatment may take longer for adults than kids. But braces can come in tooth-coloured brackets so they're less visible while they're working!

Vanity Tip: Why is chocolate a natural antidepressant?

People love chocolate, eating it when they are stressed, down, or simply need something sweet. However, in more recent years, it has been proven that chocolate can work as an antidepressant. Chocolate has been proven to increase the serotonin levels in our brains. This chemical has been proven to be a mood-enhancer. It is also used in many SSRIs, a type of antidepressant. This serotonin helps us to relax, and even can sedate us. It’s the same chemical that our brains release when we are in love. While some see this as great news, others know that too much chocolate has numerous consequences. To begin with, eating too much can increase our weight dramatically. Also, the sugar crash can hit us hard. While this should not completely deter us from eating chocolate, people must be cautious about using any food as a way to medicate. There are many other options out there. You could talk to your doctor about getting an antidepressant if needed. However, other alternatives can be done right at home. These can include going for a run or workout, browsing fun things online, finding new music, calling a friend, playing a video game, watching your favourite movie, reading a book, or taking a nap. These will all help your mood to improve, and can even help your body. Eating chocolate is good, but remember to keep it to a minimum.

Monday, 19 November 2012

16 Secrets for a Longer Life

Protect Your DNA

As we age, the ends of our chromosomes -- called telomeres -- become shorter. This makes people more vulnerable to disease. You might think there's nothing you can do, but new research suggests otherwise. In a pilot study, lifestyle changes boosted an enzyme that increases telomere length. Other studies also find diet and exercise can protect telomeres. So healthy habits may slow aging at the cellular level.

Make Friends

Science has given you one more reason to be grateful for your friends – they might help you live longer. Australian researchers found elderly social butterflies were less likely to die over a 10-year period compared to people with the fewest friends. Another analysis of results from 148 studies supports the link between plentiful social connections and longevity.

Choose Your Friends Wisely

Your friends’ habits rub off on you, so look for companions with healthy lifestyles. Studies indicate obesity is socially “contagious" –  your chance of becoming obese increases by 57% if you have a friend who becomes obese. Smoking is another habit that spreads through social ties, but the good news is that quitting is also contagious.

If Smoker, Quit Smoking

While it's no secret that giving up cigarettes can lengthen your days -- the amount of extra time may surprise you. According to a 50-year British study, quitting at age 30 could increase your lifespan by an entire decade. Kicking the habit at age 40, 50, or 60, boosts life expectancy by 9, 6, or 3 years; respectively.  

Embrace the Siesta

A siesta is standard in many parts of the world, and now there's scientific evidence that napping may help you live longer. A recent study with 24,000 participants suggests that regular nappers are 37% less likely to die from heart disease than occasional nappers. Researchers think naps might help your heart by keeping stress hormones down

Follow a Mediterranean Diet

The Mediterranean diet is high in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, olive oil, and fish. An analysis of 50 studies involving more than half a million people shows the impressive benefits of this diet. The findings show it significantly lowers the risk of metabolic syndrome – a combination of obesity, elevated blood sugar, increased blood pressure, and other factors that raise your risk of heart disease and diabetes.

Eat Like an Okinawan

The people of Okinawa, Japan once had the longest life expectancy in the world. Researchers attribute this to the region's traditional diet, which is high in green and yellow vegetables and low in calories. Some Okinawans make a habit of eating only 80% of the food on their plate. As younger generations have veered from these traditions, life expectancy in Okinawa has fallen.

Get Married

Several studies show that married people tend to outlive their single counterparts. Many researchers attribute the difference to the social and economic support marriage provides. While a current marriage offers the greatest benefit, people who are divorced or widowed have lower mortality rates than those who have never been married.

Lose Weight

If you're overweight, slimming down can protect against diabetes, heart disease, and other life-shortening conditions. Belly fat appears to be particularly harmful, so focus on deflating that spare tire. A 5-year study of Hispanics and African-Americans suggests eating more fibre and exercising regularly are effective ways to reduce belly fat.

Keep Moving

The evidence is overwhelming – people who exercise live longer on average than those who don't. According to dozens of studies, regular physical activity reduces the risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, some forms of cancer, and depression. Exercise may even help you stay mentally sharp in your old age. Ten-minute spurts of activity are fine, as long as they add up to about 2.5 hours of moderate exercise per week

Avoid Drinks or Drink in Moderation

Heart disease is less common in moderate drinkers than in people who don't drink at all. But keep in mind that too much alcohol pads the belly, boosts blood pressure, and can cause a host of other health problems. The American Heart Association recommends that if you drink alcohol, the limit should be one drink a day for women and one or two for men. But if you don't drink, don't start. There are many other ways of protecting your heart.

Get Spiritual

Research suggests people who attend religious services tend to live longer than people who never attend. In a 12-year study of people over age 65, those who attended services more than once a week had higher levels of a key immune system protein than their peers who attended no services. They were also significantly less likely to die during the study period. The strong social network that develops among people who worship together may contribute to their overall health.


Letting go of grudges has surprising physical health benefits. Chronic anger is linked to decreased lung function, heart disease, stroke, and other ailments. Forgiveness will reduce anxiety, lower your blood pressure, and help you to breathe more easily. These benefits tend to increase as you get older.

Make Sleep a Priority

Getting enough good quality sleep can lower the risk of obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and mood disorders. Sufficient sleep will also help you recover from illness faster. Burning the midnight oil, on the other hand, carries serious health risks. Sleeping less than 5 hours per night boosts the risk of premature death, so make sleep a priority.

Manage Stress

Dean Ornish, MD, has published research suggesting that lifestyle changes including stress management not only help prevent heart disease, but may actually reverse it. Although avoiding stress is not a viable option for most people, there are effective ways to control it. Try yoga, meditation, or deep breathing. Even a few minutes a day can make a difference.

Maintain a Sense of Purpose

Finding hobbies and activities that have meaning for you may contribute to a long life. Japanese researchers found men with a strong sense of purpose were less likely to die from stroke, heart disease, or other causes over a 13-year period compared to those with a low sense of purpose. Another study at Rush University Medical Centre indicates that having a greater sense of purpose is linked to a reduced risk of Alzheimer’s disease.

Dr. Minoo Singh
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Monday, 12 November 2012

Vanity - "GET HERE & GET HAIR"

New technique of “Root by Root” Hair Transplantation

Everyday some hair fall out and some new ones grow. This is called a hair cycle. It’s a continuous process. Hair on the different areas of the body, have different duration of these phases of the cycle. They grow at different rate on different areas of the body. It is when this cycle is broken, (less hair grown than fall out) you begin to see baldness. Hair Follicles are genetically programmed as to when they will fall out. Hair loss is continuous and progressive.


After Hair Therapy
 There are various causes of Hair loss such as:
  1. Systematic Medical Problems:( Hypothyroidism, High fever, Pregnancy)
  2. Alopecia Areta: (Patchy hair loss due to immune system disorder)
  3. Telogen Efflueum: (Diffuse loss of long hairs with roots
  4. Dermatological: (Skin) diseases.
  5. Medications: (Anti cancer therapy
  6. Diet: (Vitamin deficiency and toxicity).
  7. Chemical damage: (Bleaches, dyes, sprays, chlorine water, cosmetics)
  8. Mechanical damage: (Tight hair style, hot combs, hair dryers)
  9. Androgenetic alopecia: (male and female pattern baldness).
Alopecia or Baldness is a burning problem in today’s society. Hair follicles are genetically programmed as to when they will fall out. Hair loss is continuous and progressive. Medical term for common baldness is androgenetic alopecia.Means that it is resulting from two main factors i.e. Androgenic or Genetic.

And both these condition cannot be treated by medical treatment. And in this condition only Hair grafting is the only solution. Now a days artificial hair grafting is also very popular but its average life is 1 to 2 years. Another surgical treatment is Autologus Hair Grafting in which root by root hair grafts are taken & harvested from healthy area of back of the scalp and then transplanted root by root in to the skin of the bald area. This technique is flawless & much superior than the traditional Hair Transplantation in which 4 m.m. punches are taken out from the donar site & implanted in to the bald area. This type of punch grafting gives a doll’s head & corn row appearance offering very poor cosmetic results. Hence method of root by root follicular hair grafting practiced at Vanity is the Ultimate for the treatment of permanent baldness.

After Therapy
Before Therapy
For consultation and queries, please visit us at http://www.VanityIndia.Com you can write directly to our Doctor on -
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Land Line 1: +91 512 2500888
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Saturday, 3 November 2012

What is homocysteinemia?

Do you have Family history. Obesity. Diabetes. High blood pressure?

These are some of the more commonly recognized risk factors for heart disease. But there’s one risk factor you may not know about... and it has nothing to do with your family genetics.

The number-one risk factor for heart disease is high homocysteine levels. You will not believe that in a recent study it has been found that more than 56% of Indians are suffering from homocysteinemia !

You see, in normal situations, homocysteine is just a harmless amino acid. But if your levels get too high, it can:
  • Block blood flow by triggering inflammation across your body
  • Damage the lining of your arteries
  • Prevent the dilation of your blood vessels
  • Increase the chance of blood clots
The good news is you have the power to completely get your homocysteine under control. And help cut your risk of heart disease and extend your life – right now.

One way to know if you’re at risk is by getting your homocysteine levels checked with a simple blood test from your doctor. I personally like to keep my patients’ levels at 7 or below.

Another way to help keep your homocysteine in check and protect yourself from heart disease is to ramp up your levels of vitamin B.

Vitamins B6, B9 (also known as folic acid or folate) and B12 all help to convert homocysteine into methionine, the helpful amino acid.

Methionine is one of the building blocks of protein. And without enough levels of B vitamins in your system, your body can’t convert homocysteine to methionine efficiently. This can lead to an overload of homocysteine racing through your blood.

To boost your B vitamins, it is recommended:

Food Sources
Chicken, fish, kidney, liver, eggs, bananas, lima beans, walnuts
25 mg
Folic Acid (B9)
Beef, lamb, pork, chicken liver, eggs, green leafy vegetables, salmon
800 mcg
Lamb, beef, herring, mackerel, liver, oysters, poultry, clams, eggs
500 mcg

By taking only Nutri-ultima you can enjoy life on your own terms without drugs or surgery.

What is Obesity & How can I overcome Obesity?

“Overweight & Obesity are accumulation of excessive fat due to an imbalance between energy (food ) intake and expenditure.”

Complications or diseases due to obesity:

  1. Cardiovascular System - Hypertension, Coronary Artery Disease and Heart Failure
  2. Type II Diabetes Mellitus
  3. Cancer
  4. Gall Bladder Diseases
  5. Sleep Apnea
  6. Joint Problems - Arthritis , Gout
  7. Endocrine System Abnormalities
  8. Venous Circulatory Disease - Varicose veins
  9. Psychological Disturbances - Poor Self Image
Measures of Obesity:
  • BMI (Body Mass Index) is a tool calculated from persons height and weight , and use to analyze and determine whether he/she is over weight , underweight or is healthy.
  • Body Mass Index is calculated by dividing the weight (in kilograms) of a person by his height in meters squared. BMI = Weight [kg] / Height [m^2]
Solutions for Obesity:

Behaviour Modification -  Physical Activity and Dietary Changes. A few suggested behaviour modifications include:
Changing eating habits
- Increasing physical activity
- Engaging in a outdoor sports and extra curricular activity
- Setting realistic weight management goals.

Drug Treatment - A significant amount of Weight loss can be achieved with the help of certain drugs to be taken under supervision of Physician. As with all drugs there are side effects rendering them unsuitable for some patients. However if a patient is able to tolerate the drugs it may be a useful approach when patient does not want to undergo a surgical procedure or is unfit for surgery.

Surgical Options of Fat Loss - 
  • Carboxy Therapy best option visible fat loss & body Shaping.
  • Meso-Therap  for Cellulite Treatment
  • Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty)
  • Liposuction Permanent Fat Removal
  • BARIATRIC SURGERY for Morbid Obesity