Saturday, 3 November 2012

What is homocysteinemia?

Do you have Family history. Obesity. Diabetes. High blood pressure?

These are some of the more commonly recognized risk factors for heart disease. But there’s one risk factor you may not know about... and it has nothing to do with your family genetics.

The number-one risk factor for heart disease is high homocysteine levels. You will not believe that in a recent study it has been found that more than 56% of Indians are suffering from homocysteinemia !

You see, in normal situations, homocysteine is just a harmless amino acid. But if your levels get too high, it can:
  • Block blood flow by triggering inflammation across your body
  • Damage the lining of your arteries
  • Prevent the dilation of your blood vessels
  • Increase the chance of blood clots
The good news is you have the power to completely get your homocysteine under control. And help cut your risk of heart disease and extend your life – right now.

One way to know if you’re at risk is by getting your homocysteine levels checked with a simple blood test from your doctor. I personally like to keep my patients’ levels at 7 or below.

Another way to help keep your homocysteine in check and protect yourself from heart disease is to ramp up your levels of vitamin B.

Vitamins B6, B9 (also known as folic acid or folate) and B12 all help to convert homocysteine into methionine, the helpful amino acid.

Methionine is one of the building blocks of protein. And without enough levels of B vitamins in your system, your body can’t convert homocysteine to methionine efficiently. This can lead to an overload of homocysteine racing through your blood.

To boost your B vitamins, it is recommended:

Food Sources
Chicken, fish, kidney, liver, eggs, bananas, lima beans, walnuts
25 mg
Folic Acid (B9)
Beef, lamb, pork, chicken liver, eggs, green leafy vegetables, salmon
800 mcg
Lamb, beef, herring, mackerel, liver, oysters, poultry, clams, eggs
500 mcg

By taking only Nutri-ultima you can enjoy life on your own terms without drugs or surgery.