The Fountain of Youth has been the dream of eternal youth. People have the natural desire to challenge inevitable death with the wish to discover the cause of the ageing process. When one compares the life spans of humans during the recent past centuries it is remarkable to see the increase in longevity due to our increasing knowledge of the physiology of the ageing process in neuroendocrinology, improved nutrition, improved cardiovascular exercises, immunological defences and skin protection.
The Fountain of youth may be a myth, but anti-aging medicine – including Stem Cell treatment (from autologous adult stem cells), tissue & immunological engineering – are proven sciences.
There is no question that we can now increase our life spans by following various health recommendations. The main emphasis is how to reverse DNA damage, avoid heart attacks, Alzheimer’s disease, strokes, obesity, arthritis, diabetes, osteoporosis, chronic lung disease, impotency and cancer.
In addition to Stem Cell Treatments we focuses on medical treatment for DNA & Mitochondrial repair. She is also applying new science of telomeres lengthening of all cells of the body by using specific telomere lengthening medication; bio-identical hormones, detoxifying the body, building up the immune system & enhancing the in vivo natural production of anti-oxidants.
It is not only that we want to live longer but to live in a healthy, active, fit & beautiful human body.
What is Anti-Aging Medicine?
It is scientific. Anti-ageing diagnostic and treatment practices are not based on random investigations but supported by scientific evidence & systematic scientific evaluation, therefore cannot be branded as anecdotal.
It is evidence-based. Anti-aging medicine is based on an orderly process for acquiring data in order to formulate a scientific and objective assessment upon which effective Ant-age treatment is designed.
Is well-documented by peer-reviewed journals. The National Library of Medicine (USA) hosts more than 3,000 peer-reviewed articles on the subject of anti-aging medicine.
“Aging is inevitable yet modifiable. Anti-aging treatment is not a war against aging but is a science which when implemented can not only delay but also can prevent the process of aging and also treat age related disorders.”
1. Aesthetic & Anti-Aging Therapy Pre-Consultation Interview
Aesthetics & management of age related problems, is a very personal process and during this initial session you will learn about Investigations and Treatment required for you. We will identify and share your goals, and discuss your needs and concerns with our Aesthetic Surgeon & anti-aging doctor. During this consultation it is also important to make certain that there are no medical exclusions (conditions or other circumstances) that would prevent treatment.
This complimentary session can be accomplished in person. It takes approximately 30 minute to conduct the evaluation and will help provide some of the preliminary medical information needed in order to design a personalized program that will help you achieve your Aesthetic and age management goals and to enhance the quality of your life & health.
2. Laboratory Tests & Anti-age Evaluation
The next phase of the process comes from the following investigations as prescribed from the doctor for your customized medical requirements:
I. Body Mass Index (BMI)
II. BMD (Dexa) Test for Bone density
III. Face & Skin Testing & Photo Evaluation
IV. X-Ray for Arthritis & Lumbar Spondylosis
V. E.C.G. (Electrocardiogram)
VI. Comprehensive evaluation of male and female hormones, thyroid, adrenal glands, human growth hormone.
VII. Cholesterol/ HDL/LDL/Triglycerides/Apolipoproteins A and B
VIII. Allergy Tests & Immunological workup
IX. Risk factors to heart, lungs, kidney, liver,pancreas, brain, muscles, joints
X. 7. Ultrasound of abdomen and pelvis
XI. 8. Mammography and MRI breasts (female)
XII. 9. Prostate ultrasound; PSA (males)
XIII. 13. Dental Examination once yearly; dental hygienist twice yearly (on Referral Basis).
XIV. 15. Isolation and cryopreservation of autologous stem cells.
3. Final Consultation, Examination, and Lab Review
Once the initial consultation is complete and the laboratory results are received, the next part of the process is the personal consultation, exam and review of the lab test results.
In this phase, diet, lifestyle, exercise, metabolic imbalances and hormone deficiencies are assessed.
During this appointment, the doctor will review your health status, risk factors, medical and family history, x-rays and other studies & will also discuss your aesthetic needs.
4. Final Aesthetic & Anti-Aging Treatment Strategy
After the conclusion of the consultation you will receive a detailed report from the anti-aging doctor with his recommendations for your age management program.
The anti-aging clinic will assist you in obtaining all the necessary medications, supplies and vitamins and will coordinate medication refills, follow-up lab testing, office visits, and telephone or email communications.
Doctor will design specific strategies and medical treatments that you can put into play now that will help slow the aging process and will advise you to go for a specific aesthetic surgical procedures which can even reverse your aging effects on your face & body.
5. Concierge Medicine Continued Care
The aesthetic & anti-aging therapy program requires continuous care since there are medications and natural hormone therapies & Aesthetic Maintenance Protocols that need to be monitored.
As part of your total Aesthetic & Anti-aging therapy program it is necessary to schedule regular lab exams, occasional telephone consultations, periodic review of lab levels and adjustments to medical treatments.
Personalized ongoing communication during your program and treatment is required and provided. If any new discoveries or developments in the field are made, we share that information with you.
These concierge medicine services require an annual professional fee for the cost of your ongoing program.
This allows you unlimited access for scheduled follow-up exams, program discussions, email communication and personal management.
The Age Management anti-aging clinic staff will help coordinate your medications, nutraceuticals and schedule your follow-up Blood Tests.
Additional consultations will be scheduled to discuss the results of your lab work with your doctor.
6. Pharmacy
Seeing the special needs of elite customers Vanity has collaborated with Roman Pharma to bring best Anti-aging Drugs & nutraceuticals. Roman Pharma will also provide on line purchase of prescribed medicines & dietary supplements. They will also give you door step delivery of Medicines.
7. Health Insurance
As a concierge medicine center, the Age Management Center does not accept insurance.
However, we can provide you with a medical bill and a copy of your clinical record for documentation to your insurance company or for your tax preparation.
Since our anti-aging clinic is a medical practice, check to see if your services will qualify for coverage under your health savings plans.
Some patients may have success in obtaining at least partial reimbursement and we do not require or recommend asking for pre-approval.
Please don’t hesitate to contact the Vanity Aesthetic & Anti-age Clinic to get started or with any questions you many have.
Dr. Minoo Singh &
For your queries please call +91 9235414333 & +91 9793009988